Facial Hair Removal

Truthfully, millions of women are embarrassed because they are coping with unsightly facial hair rather than the clear smooth skin they desire. Some women take painstaking measures to constantly conceal facial hair, so that even their significant other or closest friend remains unaware. They tweeze, shave, bleach or wax on a regular basis, only to cause the hair to grow in stronger and darker than before. Additionally, there is a great deal of skin irritation, and often permanent damage being caused by these repetitive methods.
Shaving your face never gets any more comfortable, but after laser facial treatment, it’s smooth sailing from here to eternity.
Men, if you’re tired of taking the time to shave every morning so you look smooth and professional at work, let us help you achieve the groomed appearance you’ve always wanted. In addition to eliminating the need for further shaving, this will prevent irritation and the development of pseudo-folliculitis the name medical experts give to painful, inflamed razor bumps so commonly experienced by the male population.
Our specialized treatment is very discrete, so there’s no need to grow the hairs out for treatment. Moreover, the laser hair removal proceduresFacial Hair Removal not only remove hair above the skin, but below the skin as well. The hair is completely removed. As a result there are no longer any dark hairs beneath the skin’s surface, sometimes known as the five o’ clock shadow. Our hair removal procedure only requires about 20 minutes and there’s no recovery time. You may return to work or play immediately. We can treat any area of the face, upper lip, chin, neck, sideburns and more.