One of the newest and most technologically advanced methods of cellulite removal, VelaSmooth™ is quickly becoming the treatment of choice for thousands of patients around the world. The success rate and safety of VelaSmooth™ have also made it the first non-surgical, non-invasive cellulite reduction procedure to receive the full approval of the FDA.
Nearly eighty percent of women over 20 are affected by cellulite, regardless of their weight or size, Lean women, average weight women, and heavier women are all susceptible to this condition and a fair number of men struggle with it, as well.
When fat cells become over-inflated, they can protrude through your skin’s protective tissues, creating an unsightly, dimpling effect. This can occur with any person, regardless of their age or fitness level. Many treatments claim to reduce or remove cellulite, but VelaSmooth™ cellulite treatments offer a safe, painless, simple solution that offers far better results that any cellulite removal cream, without the downtime associated with some other procedures.
It is a non-surgical procedure that uses Radiofrequency, Infrared Light, and a vacuum which increases your metabolic rate. An increase in your metabolic rate, decrease your fat tissues, reduces and shrinks cellulite giving you dimple free legs. This gives you the appearance of smooth skin.
Cellulite Removal
No more Cottage Cheese Legs and Jiggle Butts
Wear a Bikini to the beach without a cover Up
Turn those unwanted Dimples into Smooth Skin
A modern, non-invasive treatment that utilizes an innovative approach to reducing cellulite and leaving skin smoother and less dimpled. The treatment combines infrared light and radio frequencies along with mechanical massage and vacuum suction to manipulate fatty tissue, resulting in the reduction of collagen and improved circulation to the area. VelaSmooth is asserted to not only redesign and eliminate the appearance of cellulite but to also improve lymphatic circulation to promote better overall blood flow.
VelaSmooth is safe for any kind of skin and particularly effective in large areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks or upper arms. VelaSmooth contours, shapes and slims the body, giving you the opportunity to improve your lifestyle and boost your self-confidence. This is a very relaxing and pleasant treatment!
Call us today!! Enjoy smoother, sexier skin with this exciting treatment for cellulite! We have packages available for all your needs!
Nearly eighty percent of women over 20 are affected by cellulite, regardless of their weight or size, Lean women, average weight women, and heavier women are all susceptible to this condition and a fair number of men struggle with it, as well.
When fat cells become over-inflated, they can protrude through your skin’s protective tissues, creating an unsightly, dimpling effect. This can occur with any person, regardless of their age or fitness level. Many treatments claim to reduce or remove cellulite, but VelaSmooth™ cellulite treatments offer a safe, painless, simple solution that offers far better results that any cellulite removal cream, without the downtime associated with some other procedures.
It is a non-surgical procedure that uses Radiofrequency, Infrared Light, and a vacuum which increases your metabolic rate. An increase in your metabolic rate, decrease your fat tissues, reduces and shrinks cellulite giving you dimple free legs. This gives you the appearance of smooth skin.
Cellulite Removal
A modern, non-invasive treatment that utilizes an innovative approach to reducing cellulite and leaving skin smoother and less dimpled. The treatment combines infrared light and radio frequencies along with mechanical massage and vacuum suction to manipulate fatty tissue, resulting in the reduction of collagen and improved circulation to the area. VelaSmooth is asserted to not only redesign and eliminate the appearance of cellulite but to also improve lymphatic circulation to promote better overall blood flow.
VelaSmooth is safe for any kind of skin and particularly effective in large areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks or upper arms. VelaSmooth contours, shapes and slims the body, giving you the opportunity to improve your lifestyle and boost your self-confidence. This is a very relaxing and pleasant treatment!
Call us today!! Enjoy smoother, sexier skin with this exciting treatment for cellulite! We have packages available for all your needs!