Brazilian Bikini

A full Brazilian bikini procedure is perfect for those who have a preference for nothing more than a neat strip of hair.

Yes, a full Brazilian is that extensive, with some people opting for no pubic hair whatsoever. These procedures are our fastest growing because many men and women love the idea of not having to worry about bikini bumps and ingrown hairs. Although hair removal of the pubic area is widely sought after, and effective, there are more than just aesthetic concerns when treating this area. The bikini area is also a region of common occurring folliculitis, inflammation and infection of the hair follicles.

Not only does this result in itchy and painful lesions, but fairly often secondary hyper pigmentation and darkening of the skin occur from the inflammation. Fortunately, the laser has been very helpful in reducing, or eliminating, hair growth and diminishing, or stopping, recurrent folliculitis.

Not only does laser hair removal stop the folliculitis, and subsequent skin darkening, but some of these laser systems are beneficial in reducing hyper pigmentation, and persistent skin redness, which occurred from earlier episodes of folliculitis. This exciting secondary benefit to laser hair removal is very appreciated by the patient. Having a bikini area that is free of hair, irritation, and discoloration, can be very desirable.

Ditch bikini burn, bumps and stubble in your most intimate areas… forever! Stays sexy smooth for you or that special someone.